Your Faith Can Grow
Luke 17:5 “The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our Faith!”
Most people thought the guy had it all. He was young, rich and influential. He was an alpha male. But inside, something was missing. He couldn’t name exactly what it was, but it had something to do with God.
So he tracked down the most spiritual person he could find, the rabbi named Jesus that everyone was talking about, and he got a private meeting. He asked, “Rabbi, I’m doing everything I know to do - What am I missing?”
The rabbi looked at him and gave him an answer - but it was not a comfortable one. It was not what the man wanted to hear. He just couldn’t do it. So the young man turned and walked away dejectedly.
I wonder what Peter thought as he watched the young man walk away.
Peter was about his same age, and he had heard Jesus tell him the same thing: “Drop everything and follow me.” The difference was, Peter did it. That’s why we know his name. Two men - same age, same language, same culture, same offer…. two different destinies. What made their lives turn out differently? Faith.
Have you ever wanted to grow in your faith? That seems like a funny question! How does one grow their faith? In Hebrews 11 we see a list of people who are great examples of faith and when we look closely at their lives we can see three steps in common:
1. They heard from God.
2. They envisioned the future.
3. They took a risky step of faith.
How about you? Have you made time to hear from God lately? Is there a picture of the future He is giving you for your family, company, or life? Are you willing to take a step of risk even if it’s uncomfortable?
Take a few moments to read and reflect on some of the great examples of faith in Hebrews chapter 11. Notice how God lead them through the steps of hear it, see it, and risk it. Is God calling you to do the same today?
God Bless,