Defining Moments: The Moment of Truth
Luke 5:5 "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets."
I love watching the Winter Olympics! Every 4 years, it is interesting to watch competitions we don't see every day. Games like curling, ski jumping, and speed skating are exciting and novel because we are exposed to them only when the Olympics come around. Also, mixed into the novelty of the games is a keen sense of the moment. Many of these athletes have trained their entire lives for this one moment. For some, this will be the only Olympics they compete in for their entire life and a fraction of a second is the difference between success and failure. Talk about a defining moment!
In our lives, we have defining moments as well. The day you met the person who would become your wife, that changed the direction of your life. Or maybe it was when the doctor gave you that diagnosis. Or maybe it was when you decided to drop out of school, or start a new career. Defining moments are "game changers." Every game has a few key plays that determine the outcome. In the same way, our lives have a few key moments, which make us who we are. We may or may not realize they are happening at that time.
In Luke 5:1-11, Peter was faced with one of these defining moments. He was just completing a long day at work when Jesus asked him to shove off, again, and cast out the nets. He could have refused but he listened to Jesus and this moment changed the direction of his life. How about you? Defining moments often come at inconvenient times. After a long meeting or difficult month. Is God asking you to follow him in a new way? When we move from being self-lead to Jesus–led we find a new identity and greater purpose in life. Maybe today is your defining moment. Don’t miss the opportunities Jesus presents; listen to His voice and follow Him.
God Bless,