Strong at the Broken Places: Breathe
Ezekiel 37:5 “This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.”
I love sharing mountaintop moments: Seeing a good friend get married or celebrate a new child. Watching my child excel in the classroom or on the athletic field. Worshiping God at a large service or global conference. These can be epic moments where it is hard not to be moved by God! But I have also experienced moments in the dark valleys of life: At a funeral with a friend while we buried their parent. In the hospital with a sick friend who is fighting for their life. Crushing moments when we need to hang onto the truth that God will breathe new life into us if we seek Him.
In Ezekiel 37, God tells Ezekiel three times that He will breathe life into His people (v5, 6,14). When we find ourselves at the end of our ropes, we can trust God to do the same for us as well!
How about you? Are you living in a mountaintop moment or in a dark valley right now? Do you know someone who is experiencing a difficult season? God will breathe new life into you if you seek Him today!
Take a few moments to read and reflect on Ezekiel 37. And no matter where you find yourself today, seek the Lord and ask Him to breathe into your life!