Last month I was serving on a team while they were deciding to invest in a building. One gentleman, who was a retired coalmine engineer, took it upon himself to run a study to find out what was under the building. I was fascinated to learn that others had plotted out layers of soil and rock thousands of feet below. His concern, of course, was that one day someone could dig under the building, which could affect the structure itself.
It was an important reminder to me that what lies beneath is just as important as what we build. Many of us spend our lives building. Taking risks and steps to make a better life for our families, others, and ourselves. From time to time it is important to ask what lies beneath?
In Matthew 15: 8-9, Jesus challenges those listening to Him at a heart level: “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.”
What lies beneath in you today? Jesus looks at the heart and it is the spring that feeds the rest of our life. Make sure what you’re building has a strong foundation.
God Bless,
Mike Arnold