A Hope and a Future: What did you Expect?
Jeremiah 29:12 “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you.”
There is an old saying, “you get what you expect!” In many ways, what I do today depends on what I expect tomorrow. If I knew I would never lose weight, why would I pass up a cupcake today? Why would I take the risk to reach out to repair a friendship if I had already been told they would be rejected? Why would I scrape to make a payment on a loan I knew I could never pay off?
Why try if there is no hope? We need hope because hope creates our future. In the Bible, “hope” is not a wish it is a confident expectation based on what God promises. In Genesis 15, God gives Abram a promise of a great family. Because of this promise Abram changed his expectations and his future plans. When we need hope today we need to do the same.
How about you? Do you find it difficult to picture your future today? What promise of God do you need to revisit? Where are you setting your expectations?
Take a few minutes to read and reflect on the journey of faith God gave Abram. Where does God want to set your expectations today?