Being Generous with Your Time
Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”
Everyone would like to consider themselves to be generous. Those who see the needs of others and give are the “good guys” in our world. When we think of generosity, our first thought is often financial. But there are many ways to be generous. Another way to give is by giving your time.
All of us have the same amount of time each day. However, we often choose to use the time given to us in different ways. Think about your time last week. Do a quick audit on the time you were given. How much time did you give to work, recreation, entertainment, your family? Then ask this question: How much time did you give away to others? In Philippians 2, Paul encourages us to use our time in a generous way, to look to the needs and interests of others and be generous with our time.
How about you? Are you a good steward of the time God has given you? Do you have any regrets about how you use the life and days God has blessed you with? How can you be more generous with your time?
Take some time to read Philippians 2 and Ecclesiastes 3 and look at how the Bible says we should use the time we have been blessed with. It is a gift! Be generous this week with the time God has given!