Acts 1:4 “On one occasion, while eating with them he gave them this command: ‘Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised.’”
A number of years ago I served as a Chaplin for a Division 1 football program. In many ways this was a perfect union of two of my greatest loves - God and Sports! One of my favorite memories of this ministry was standing in the locker room just before a game. I never missed this moment. The energy was palpable and the anticipation was high. The coach would call the team together to give them a talk that would work the team into a lather of excitement. And then he would tell them to wait. The team would line up in a hallway ready to take the field. Some would yell, “Let me out!” or “Let’s get them!” or something else that I can repeat. But the coach would hold them back until just the right time. 
In Acts chapter 1 we see Jesus doing a very similar thing with the disciples. They had just spent 40 days with the risen Jesus and were ready to take over the world. They had an agenda and a plan. I can picture them like a football team ready to go but Jesus says “wait… wait for it.”
When the disciples waited for God it changed their agenda. They wanted to overthrow a government but God had a bigger plan. He wanted them to change the world! When the Holy Spirit came upon them It gave them the strength to be more like Jesus and the power to make a difference.
Have you ever felt like you are paddling upstream in you journey with God? Are you exhausted by trying to be good enough or frustrated by failure? Do you need more peace, patience, or joy in your life? 
Maybe you need to slow down and wait for it. Ask God today to fill you with his presence for the challenges that lie ahead. In Luke 11:13 Jesus says, “If you then, though you are evil, know how do give good gifts to your children how much more will your Father in heave give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!”
God Bless,