Psalm 119:111-112 “Your statues are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart. My heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end.”


This week I had the opportunity to hear a message from CBMC Forums member, Leigh Gerstenberger on “Leaving a Legacy.”  In his talk, Leigh shared how he often likes to begin projects with the end in mind.  This thinking can be very helpful as we start a New Year and think about the impact, we will make in 2022.  One quote that struck me from this message was: “Our legacy is a product of how we live our lives day in and day out.”  Leigh shared that our legacy can be determined by how we manage our physical and emotional health, our work, family, and personal relationship with Jesus.


How about you?  What are you leaving behind in these areas?  Are you currently healthy physically and emotionally?  If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t help others!  Would people say, “there is something different about you at work?”  Do you tell your family your love them each day?  How is your quiet time with God?


Take some time to reflect on these questions and read Psalm 119.  As we enter a New Year let’s live in a way that points others to Jesus Christ.  Learn more about Leigh and sign up for his weekly email at:  


God Bless,
